Additive Manufacturing
EOS 290

With the introduction of a brand-new EOS 290 additive manufacturing 3D metal printing machine. The EOS 290 now allows Agemaspark to create a variety of new parts and products ideal for injection mould tool inserts, functional engineering prototypes and low volume part manufacture. This new machine complements their existing downstream capabilities to create and supply complete tools. The possibilities and scope for 3D printing are limitless and the installation of this machine opens up
countless opportunities for Agemaspark to support businesses across a variety of industries, from aerospace to pharmaceuticals and all aspects of plastic injection mould tooling, by providing cost-effective, accurately manufactured solutions.
This new EOS 290 machine gives Agemaspark the ability to manufacture parts up to 250 x 250 x 290mm in size in Maraging (MS1) steel, and with the in-house heat treatment inserts can be hardened to 54Hrc. Within 12 hours of being sintered.
Examples of the possibilities for conformal cooling are shown above this is a core 6.5 mm X 22mm x 90mm high with a conformal cooling channel giving an even cooling area in place of conventional drilled hole, pictures left show a full stack with cooling channels.
The ability to offer endless ways to help reduce not only the cycle times of moulding but reduce the impact on the environmental concerns of plastic products by reducing the size of tooling and the energy required to produce parts.